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How can I perform a branchless conditional arithmetic operation in C?

I have a value int x where I want to conditionally add (for example) a value int y to, contingent on bool c. I could write code like this:

bool c;    // C23, or stdbool.h macro for _Bool.  Converts to integer 0 or 1
int x, y;  // x could be a global or something


if (c)
    x += y;

How could I write this without a branch?

If x is a local variable that no other thread could have a reference to, compilers may do if-conversion to branchless if they think that's more efficient. (Especially if auto-vectorizing, but also for scalar.) But that wouldn't be thread-safe for global variables, or if x is actually *x with an int *. Compilers can't invent writes like *x += 0 to possibly-shared objects that the abstract machine doesn't read or write, that could introduce a data race and step on values stored by other threads.


  • A basic answer would be to produce a branchless expression that evaluates to y if c is true or to the identity of the operation (0 for addition/subtraction and 1 for multiplication/division) otherwise and then use that expression.

    Option 1: Multiplication by the boolean

    A very simple solution is simply multiply the boolean with y then add:

    x += c*y;

    Option 2: Bitwise logic

    Create a mask from the boolean, bitwise and, then add:

    x += -c&y;

    This way, if the boolean is false, negating the value will still be 0, and bitwise and 0 with any number gives zero, so this will result in adding 0 to the value. Otherwise, negating true would give -1 which is all 1s in 2's complement, which would give the y back from the bitwise and, adding y to x.

    Note: The question uses addition as an example, but if the operation in question is division or multiplication, the value !c must be added to the right-hand operand of the augmented assignment. This is because the multiplicative identity is 1 and not 0.


    x *= -c&y+!c;