I have a coding issue I would like to share with you.
In my python code, I need some user inputs, in particular I need him to type in either a pair of float values or a specific letter from a list to execute a command.
Something like:
Enter the required values OR Q to Exit:
I have coded everything using a while loop and the basic input followed by a series of checks on the input, but instead of my dodgy code, hard to maintain, I would like to use the rich.prompt to get a easier and nicer result.
I have seen that with rich.Prompt you can get a string (also among a choices list), an integer or a float. But I cannot see anyway how to mix these things.
Do you have any suggestion?
Thanks in advance, toto
Did you try reading the source? rich/prompt/prompt.py
When there isn't very good documentation, go to the source and imitate - by looking at what I linked, I came up with this:
from typing import Union
from rich.prompt import PromptBase
RESPONSE_TYPE = Union[tuple[int, int], str]
class TwoIntsOrString(PromptBase[RESPONSE_TYPE]):
response_type = RESPONSE_TYPE
validate_error_message = "Please enter two integers or a string."
def process_response(self, value: str) -> RESPONSE_TYPE:
return tuple(int(x) for x in value.split()[:2])
except ValueError:
return value
if __name__ == "__main__":
prompt = TwoIntsOrString("Enter two integers or a string: ")
response = prompt.ask()
print(f"Response: {response!r}")