I'm creating a declarative http client and have a problem with mypy linting.
Incompatible default for argument "user" (default has type "Json", argument has type "dict\[Any, Any\]")
I have a "Dependency" class that implements the logic of: value validation agains type, request modification:
class Dependency(abc.ABC):
def __init__(
default: Any = Empty,
field_name: Union[str, None] = None,
self.default = default
self._overridden_field_name = field_name
def modify_request(self, request: RawRequest) -> RawRequest:
raise NotImplementedError
The dependencies inherited from Dependency
, e.g. Json:
class Json(Dependency):
location = Location.json
def __init__(self, default: Any = Empty):
"""Field name is unused for Json."""
def modify_request(self, request: "RawRequest") -> "RawRequest":
return request
Then I use them as function argument's default to declare:
@http("GET", "/example")
def test_get(data: dict = Json()):
It works as expected, but mypy is raising a lot of errors.
The question - how to deal with type hinting?
I need it to work like Query() or Body() in FastAPI, without changing the way of declaration.
I tried to make a Dependency class to be generic, but it wasn't helped me.
Sorry, forgot to mention that type hint can be dataclass, or pydantic model, or any other type. Then it will be deserialized in function execution.
Dict as type annotation:
@http("GET", "/example")
def test_get(data: dict = Json()):
Pydantic model as type annotation:
class PydanticModel(BaseModel):
@http("GET", "/example")
def test_get(data: PydanticModel = Json()):
Dataclass as type annotation:
class DataclassModel():
@http("GET", "/example")
def test_get(data: DataclassModel = Json()):
It should support any type provided in type hint.
Solved using typing.Annotated
, declaration has been changed a bit, but it works correctly and mypy has no errors to show.
@http("GET", "/example")
def test_get(data: Annotated[DataclassModel, Json()]):
Then I'm using a function signature to extract dependency, type hint and do magic...
def extract_dependencies(func: Callable):
signature = inspect.signature(func)
for key, val in signature.parameters.items():
if key in ["self", "cls"]:
# We don't need the self or cls parameter.
# We check if the parameter is annotated.
annotation = func.__annotations__.get(key, None)
if hasattr(annotation, "__metadata__"):
# Extracting the type hint and the dependency from the
# Annotated type.
type_hint, dependency = get_args(annotation)
if not isinstance(dependency, Dependency):
if inspect.isclass(dependency) and issubclass(
dependency, Dependency
# If the dependency is a class, we instantiate it.
dependency = dependency()
dependency.type_hint = type_hint
# If the dependency is not an instance of Dependency,
# we raise an AnnotationException.
raise AnnotationException(annotation)
# If the dependency is already an instance of Dependency,
# we are setting only the type hint.
dependency.type_hint = type_hint
dependency.field_name = key
dependency.value = values.get(key, val.default)
yield dependency