I'm using a PLC shield (Kontron Pixtend) to read and control pneumatic valves and switches. A Python API (class) is provided. All runs on a Raspberry Pi. Outputs/inputs of the PLC shield are implemented using @property
class PiXtendV2L():
def digital_in0(self):
Get the state of digital input 0. A value of False means 'off' and a value of True means 'on'.
:return: Current value
:rtype: bool
return self.test_bit(self._digital_in0, self.BIT_0) == 1
def digital_in1(self):
Get the state of digital input 1. A value of False means 'off' and a value of True means 'on'.
:return: Current value
:rtype: bool
return self.test_bit(self._digital_in0, self.BIT_1) == 1
def relay0(self):
Get or Set the state of relay 0. A value of False means 'off' and a value of True means 'on'.
:return: Current value
:rtype: bool
return self.test_bit(self._relay_out, self.BIT_0) == 1
def relay0(self, value):
if value is False or value is True:
raise ValueError("Value error!, Value " + str(value) + " not allowed! - Use only: False = off, True = on")
bit_num = self.BIT_0
if value is self.OFF:
self._relay_out = self.clear_bit(self._relay_out, bit_num)
if value is self.ON:
self._relay_out = self.set_bit(self._relay_out, bit_num)
State of the relay is read accessing relay0 as variable, setting the relay by assigning True or False. I want to work with meaningful names:
self.p = PiXtendV2L(com_interval=0.05, callback=self.SPSCallback)
self.valve = self.p.relay0
self.switch = self.p.digital_in0
if self.switch:
self.value = True
self.valve = False
I create self.valve
and assign self.p.relay0
. "relay0" is defined in PiXtendV2L class. But I cannot read state of the relay nor set it. It is not possible as the setter and getters are not accessed. I read the memory address of print(id(self.switch)
and print(id(self.p.relay0))
and get the same address. How can this be done without much code? The alternative is use the names from the PLC's lib (digital_in0, relay0, digital_out0, etc.).
If you just want switch
to be another name for relay0
in your class then just add switch = relay0
in your class somewhere after you've defined relay0
If you want switch
to have a little bit more smarts.
def switch(self):
do whatever you want, including accessing self.relay0
return result
def switch(self, value):
do whatever you want, including setting self.relay0