I have a string of hex representations of text that I need to write to a file.
toWrite = "020203480A"
with open("example.bin", "w") as file:
file.write(chr(int(toWrite, 16)))
The problem is that whenever I write LF (0A) Windows automatically adds CR (0D). I know because I open the file in HxD I read 02 02 03 48 0D 0A
How do I prevent Windows from adding CR before LF?
If you want to directly write bytes to a file without localized line ending behavior, open the file in binary mode instead of text mode:
toWrite = "020203480A"
# Note "wb" instead of "w"
with open("example.bin", "wb") as file:
or, using pathlib
to automatically handle opening and closing the file:
from pathlib import Path
toWrite = "020203480A"
p = Path("example.bin")