When using plantuml in c style code comments /// then clang adds a \ line break into the comment.
/// @startuml
/// m_alengthyline.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx .[#green].> \
/// another.lengthyline.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : reads
/// @enduml
Then I get a compiler warning multi-line comment [-Wcomment]
I do want to keep the line length constraint and I do want to keep the doxygen comment style. Is there any way to tell plantuml that the command goes over 2 lines or any other trick?
thank you
tried to find a propper command in the plantuml documentation
The only possibility I see is to reorganize your graph a bit like
package m_alengthyline {
class "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" as X
package another
package lengthyline
class "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" as Y
X.[#green].> Y: reads
Edit Based on the comment (see below): "this will change the character of the diagram and add new boxes If there is no solution, then i mix with multiline comments for lengthy lines /** * ... */ – Mat"
I created for the original version, assuming this is:
m_alengthyline.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx .[#green].> another.lengthyline.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : reads
and for the new version the diagram an in bot cases I get:
So the comment is unclear to me.