How to assign license in Microsoft Graph API version 5.19 c#?
When I searched online, I couldn't find a method that I could use on version 5 or higher.
When you try to upgrade to v5 this library has a breaking changes from this article
The first step you need to get token like this
var interactiveBrowserCredential = new InteractiveBrowserCredential(interactiveBrowserCredentialOptions);
var graphServiceClient = new GraphServiceClient(interactiveBrowserCredential);
or like custom authentication flows can be done creating an implementation of IAccessTokenProvider
public class TokenProvider : IAccessTokenProvider
public Task<string> GetAuthorizationTokenAsync(Uri uri, Dictionary<string, object> additionalAuthenticationContext = default,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
var token = "token";
// get the token and return it in your own way
return Task.FromResult(token);
public AllowedHostsValidator AllowedHostsValidator { get; }
Creating instance of GraphServiceClientCreating
var authenticationProvider = new BaseBearerTokenAuthenticationProvider(new YourAuthenticationProvider()); // Authorization method
var graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(authenticationProvider);
Insert your licences for removing and adding. Make sure that this data has value in licensesToRemove or licensesToAdd
var licensesToRemove = new List<Guid?> { };
var license = new AssignedLicense { SkuId = "yourLicenceId" };
List<AssignedLicense> licensesToAdd = new List<AssignedLicense> { license };
Make query
await graphClient.Users["yourUserId"].AssignLicense.PostAsync(new Microsoft.Graph.Users.Item.AssignLicense.AssignLicensePostRequestBody()
RemoveLicenses = licensesToRemove,
AddLicenses = licensesToAdd