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Partition key error on deleting data from cosmos


I am trying to move data from cosmos using c# .The code is reading all data from cosmos (approx 70k). I am looking to copy to blob and delete from cosmos. But I am getting error:

Error :Entity with the specified id does not exist in the system. but I can see it is there as I am using same Document after reading as shown in code.

I also checked How to delete object from Cosmos DB without knowing the partition key value?

Though I can see in cosmos that I have a partion key "/" . How can I use this partition key to delete .

            foreach (Document document in item)

                var content = document.ToString();
                var json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(content);
                string blobId = String.Concat(document.Id);
                using (Stream ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json.ToString().ToCharArray())))
                        await (ConnectionFactory.GetConnectionBlob(DestinationStorageContainerName, storageConnectionString)).GetBlobClient(blobId).UploadAsync(ms, true);

                        await (ConnectionFactory.GetConnectionDocumentClient(cosmosAccount, cosmosKey)).DeleteDocumentAsync(
         UriFactory.CreateDocumentUri(SourceCosmosDatabaseName, SourceCosmosCollectionName, document.Id),
         new RequestOptions() { PartitionKey = new PartitionKey(Undefined.Value) });

                        Console.WriteLine("All files copied to Storage - " + count);
                    catch (CosmosException ce)
                        Console.WriteLine("data Coped" + count);



  • I am looking to copy to blob and delete from cosmos.

    Below are the steps I followed to delete from Cosmos and store it in Blob:

    • Using the supplied Cosmos DB configuration, CosmosClient creates a Cosmos DB client.

    • Uses the ReadItemAsync function to read a document from Cosmos DB.

    • The document is identified by its partition key and cosmosDbItemIdToDelete.

    • The value of the partition key is passed as an input to the PartitionKey constructor. I used the document's Id as the partition key value in the code.

    • Use the partition key to identify the correct partition where the document resides. This ensures that the document is deleted from the correct partition.

    • cosmosDbItemIdToDelete is used as the partition key value to locate and delete the document within the appropriate partition.

    • The BlobServiceClient and BlobContainerClient for Blob Storage are created using the Azure Blob Storage SDK and the supplied configuration.

    • The data from the Cosmos DB document is serialized into the necessary format and uploaded to Azure Blob Storage with the given blobFileName.

    • Documents copied from Cosmos DB to Blob Storage are deleted using the DeleteItemAsync() method.

    Below Is the code I tried with:

    static async Task Main()
        string cosmosDbEndpoint = "*****";
        string cosmosDbKey = "*****";
        string cosmosDbDatabaseName = "newDb";
        string cosmosDbContainerName = "newCont";
        string cosmosDbItemIdToDelete = "1";
        string blobStorageConnectionString = "*****";
        string blobContainerName = "balaji";
        string blobFileName = "balajiDoc.txt";
        Console.WriteLine("Starting the data transfer and deletion process...");
            using CosmosClient cosmosClient = new CosmosClient(cosmosDbEndpoint, cosmosDbKey);
            Database cosmosDatabase = cosmosClient.GetDatabase(cosmosDbDatabaseName);
            Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Container cosmosContainer = cosmosDatabase.GetContainer(cosmosDbContainerName);
            ItemResponse<MyDocument> cosmosResponse = await cosmosContainer.ReadItemAsync<MyDocument>(
                new PartitionKey(cosmosDbItemIdToDelete));
            Console.WriteLine("Document read from Cosmos DB.");
            BlobServiceClient blobServiceClient = new BlobServiceClient(blobStorageConnectionString);
            BlobContainerClient blobContainerClient = blobServiceClient.GetBlobContainerClient(blobContainerName);
            BlobClient blobClient = blobContainerClient.GetBlobClient(blobFileName);
            using Stream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cosmosResponse.Resource)));
            await blobClient.UploadAsync(stream, true);
            Console.WriteLine("Document data copied to Azure Blob Storage.");
            await cosmosContainer.DeleteItemAsync<MyDocument>(
                new PartitionKey(cosmosDbItemIdToDelete));
            Console.WriteLine("Document deleted from Cosmos DB.");
        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred: {ex.Message}");


    In Console:

    Starting the data transfer and deletion process...
    Document read from Cosmos DB.
    Document data copied to Azure Blob Storage.
    Document deleted from Cosmos DB.

    In Blob:
