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Is there a way to bring the ProcessDate value in First table based on the cumulative total of a column in another table?

I have 2 tables:

Table1 Definition:

-- Table 1 Definition
drop table if exists #Table1
create table #Table1
    TREATY_COMPANY_CODE varchar(3),
    CURRENCY varchar(3),
    ProcessDate date,
    RowNumber int,
    Payment_Total decimal(20, 2)

insert into #Table1
    ('165', 'USD', '2019-12-31', 1, 32929.92),
    ('165', 'USD', '2019-11-14', 2, 2400.0),
    ('165', 'USD', '2019-10-22', 3, 635.0),
    ('165', 'USD', '2019-03-28', 4, -21808.25),
    ('165', 'USD', '2019-02-13', 5, 54906.57)

Table2 Definition:

drop table if exists #Table2
create table #Table2
    PolicyNo int null,
    ZeylRankNo int null,
    TreatyCompanyCode nvarchar(3) null,
    CurrencyType nvarchar(3) null,
    DisposedDate datetime null,
    ProvinceNo nvarchar(3) null,
    GWP decimal(20, 5) null,
    Commission_Received decimal(20, 5) null,
    PrKom decimal(20, 5) null
insert into #Table2

If cumulative total in [Pr-Kom] Column in Table2 exceeds the 1st number (payment_total:32929,92) in table1, then bring the ProcessDate value to all rows, then move on to next number(2400) , calculate cumulative total and do the same!

This is what I have tried so far:

       CASE WHEN CumulativeTotal <= (SELECT Payment_Total FROM Table1 WHERE RowNumber = 1)  THEN CAST('2019-12-31' AS date)
       WHEN CumulativeTotal <= (SELECT Payment_Total FROM Table1 WHERE RowNumber = 2) THEN CAST('2019-11-14' AS date)
       WHEN CumulativeTotal <= (SELECT Payment_Total FROM Table1 WHERE RowNumber = 3) THEN CAST('2019-10-22' AS date)
       WHEN CumulativeTotal <= (SELECT Payment_Total FROM Table1 WHERE RowNumber = 4) THEN CAST('2019-03-28' AS date)
       WHEN CumulativeTotal <= (SELECT Payment_Total FROM Table1 WHERE RowNumber = 5) THEN CAST('2019-02-13' AS date)
       ELSE CAST('1900-01-01' AS date) END
       ) AS Date
       ,SUM(K.[Pr-Kom]) OVER(ORDER BY K.RN) AS CumulativeTotal
       ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY DisposedDate) AS RN
FROM Table2
WHERE TreatyCompanyCode='165'
AND CurrencyType='USD'
) AS K

Expected Result Should be like this:



  • See example with recursive query.
    Ordering Table2 rows significantly discussed with @Xedni. I will take order by DisposeDate desc as default.

    with dn as( -- data with ordering number
    select PolicyNo,DisposedDate,ProvinceNo,GWP,Commission_Received
      ,row_number()over(partition by TreatyCompanyCode order by DisposedDate desc) rnd
    from Table2
    ,r as( -- anchor first row from table1 and first row of table2 with partition
      select PolicyNo,DisposedDate,ProvinceNo,GWP,Commission_Received,[Pr-Kom],rnd  
        ,Payment_total as checkTotal,cast([Pr-Kom] as decimal(20,5)) as currTotal
      from table1 t1 inner join dn on t1.TREATY_COMPANY_CODE= dn.TREATYCOMPANYCODE
      where t1.rownumber=1 and dn.rnd=1
      union all
      select dn.PolicyNo,dn.DisposedDate,dn.ProvinceNo,dn.GWP,dn.Commission_Received
             when cast(r.currTotal as decimal(20,5))> r.checkTotal
                then t1.Payment_total 
         else r.CheckTotal 
         end  as checkTotal
              when cast(r.currTotal as decimal(20,5))> r.checkTotal
                then cast(dn.[Pr-Kom] as decimal(20,5)) 
         else cast(r.currTotal+dn.[Pr-Kom] as decimal(20,5))
         end as currTotal
      from r 
         and dn.rnd=(r.rnd+1)
      inner join table1 t1 on t1.TREATY_COMPANY_CODE= r.TREATY_COMPANY_CODE
        and(case when r.checkTotal>cast(r.currTotal as decimal(20,5)) 
             then r.RowNumber else r.rowNumber+1 end= t1.RowNumber )
    select * from r

    fiddle here