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Hot reload broken with StencilJS and Storybook 7

I'm using Storybook and StencilJS together since a few years and It works very well. A few months ago Storybook updated to version 7 and It broke the hot reload of Stencil.

I've created a github repo here :

You have a fresh install of stencil 4 and storybook 7.1. If you update the component created with stencil the hot reload will not be applied and I have no idea on how to fix that.

I think that something happened between webpack 4 and 5 (old version of storybook used webpack 4 but since version 7 it's webpack 5)

If someone wants to try the repo, here are the commands to write to make it work

npm i

In two differents terminals : npm run stencil:start npm run storybook:start


  • I found the solution.

    I use react-webpack5 as bundler and this is the problem, the HMR is broken when used with Stencil. It worked correctly in the past with storybook 6 and react-webpack4.

    So I replaced react-webpack5 with react-vite bundler, here is my config

    const config = {
      stories: ['../src/**/*.mdx', '../src/**/*.stories.@(js|jsx|mjs|ts|tsx)'],
      addons: [
      framework: '@storybook/react-vite',
      core: {
        builder: '@storybook/builder-vite',
      docs: {
        autodocs: 'tag',
        defaultName: 'Documentation',
    export default config;