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How to correctly apply tint to compose Image?

      painter = painterResource(id = paymentCardLogoId),
      contentDescription = null,
      modifier = Modifier.size(logoSize)

So I have a payment card details view and I am trying to display the colored payment card logo which is a drawable but I need to display it as black and white. Above is my initial code which displays colored logo:


What I am trying to display is: b and w visa

When I tried adding colorFilter of ColorFilter.color(Color.Black), it just simply came out to be a black rectangle.

I also tried using colorFilter = ColorFilter.colorMatrix(ColorMatrix().apply { setToSaturation(0f) }) which gave me: gray visa

So is there any way I can get the text "Visa" to be black and the background as white? There are bunch of blendMode that can be used but I couldn't find the right one or I am missing something. :(


  • You can try Icon composable instead of Image as shown in the example:

        painter = painterResource(id = paymentCardLogoId),
        contentDescription = null,
        tint = Color.Black

    If this is also not working then you might have to change your image and use image of type .xml, .svg, etc because specifications change will be easy for them.