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openai.error.InvalidRequestError: The specified base model does not support fine-tuning. when fine-tune Azure OpenAI model

I'm running the following Python code for a fine-tune OpenAI task:

import openai
from openai import cli
import time
import shutil
import json

openai.api_key = "*********************"
openai.api_base = "https://*********************" 
openai.api_type = 'azure'
openai.api_version = '2023-05-15' 
deployment_name ='*********************' 

training_file_name = 'training.jsonl'
validation_file_name = 'validation.jsonl'

# Samples data are fake
sample_data = [
               {"prompt": "Questa parte del testo e’ invece in italiano, perche’ Giuseppe Coco vive a Milano, codice postale 09576.", "completion": "[type: LOCATION, start: 36, end: 44, score: 0.85, type: PERSON, start: 54, end: 72, score: 0.85, type: LOCATION, start: 75, end: 81, score: 0.85]"},
               {"prompt": "In this fake document, we describe the ambarabacicicoco, of Alfred Johnson, who lives in Paris (France), the zip code is 21076, and his phone number is +32 475348723.", "completion": "[type: AU_TFN, start: 157, end: 166, score: 1.0, type: PERSON, start: 60, end: 74, score: 0.85, type: LOCATION, start: 89, end: 94, score: 0.85, type: LOCATION, start: 97, end: 103, score: 0.85, type: PHONE_NUMBER, start: 153, end: 166, score: 0.75]"},
               {"prompt": "This document is a fac simile", "completion": "[]"},
               {"prompt": "Here there are no PIIs", "completion": "[]"},
               {"prompt": "Questa parte del testo e’ invece in italiano, perche’ Giuseppe Coco vive a Milano, codice postale 09576.", "completion": "[type: LOCATION, start: 36, end: 44, score: 0.85, type: PERSON, start: 54, end: 72, score: 0.85, type: LOCATION, start: 75, end: 81, score: 0.85]"},
               {"prompt": "In this fake document, we describe the ambarabacicicoco, of Alfred Johnson, who lives in Paris (France), the zip code is 21076, and his phone number is +32 475348723.", "completion": "[type: AU_TFN, start: 157, end: 166, score: 1.0, type: PERSON, start: 60, end: 74, score: 0.85, type: LOCATION, start: 89, end: 94, score: 0.85, type: LOCATION, start: 97, end: 103, score: 0.85, type: PHONE_NUMBER, start: 153, end: 166, score: 0.75]"},
               {"prompt": "This document is a fac simile", "completion": "[]"},
               {"prompt": "Here there are no PIIs", "completion": "[]"},
               {"prompt": "10 August 2023", "completion": "[type: DATE_TIME, start: 0, end: 14, score: 0.85]"},
               {"prompt": "Marijn De Belie, Manu Brehmen (Deloitte Belastingconsulenten)", "completion": "[type: PERSON, start: 0, end: 15, score: 0.85, type: PERSON, start: 17, end: 29, score: 0.85]"},
               {"prompt": "The content expressed herein is based on the facts and assumptions you have provided us. We have assumed that these facts and assumptions are correct, complete and accurate.", "completion": "[]"},
               {"prompt": "This letter is solely for your benefit and may not be relied upon by anyone other than you.", "completion": "[]"},
               {"prompt": "Dear Mr. Mahieu,", "completion": "[type: PERSON, start: 9, end: 15, score: 0.85]"},
               {"prompt": "Since 1 January 2018, a capital reduction carried out in accordance with company law rules is partly imputed on the taxable reserves of the SPV", "completion": "[type: DATE_TIME, start: 6, end: 20, score: 0.85]"},

# Generate the training dataset file.
print(f'Generating the training file: {training_file_name}')
with open(training_file_name, 'w') as training_file:
    for entry in sample_data:
        json.dump(entry, training_file)

# Copy the validation dataset file from the training dataset file.
# Typically, your training data and validation data should be mutually exclusive.
# For the purposes of this example, you use the same data.
print(f'Copying the training file to the validation file')
shutil.copy(training_file_name, validation_file_name)

def check_status(training_id, validation_id):
    train_status = openai.File.retrieve(training_id)["status"]
    valid_status = openai.File.retrieve(validation_id)["status"]
    print(f'Status (training_file | validation_file): {train_status} | {valid_status}')
    return (train_status, valid_status)

# Upload the training and validation dataset files to Azure OpenAI.
training_id = cli.FineTune._get_or_upload(training_file_name, True)
validation_id = cli.FineTune._get_or_upload(validation_file_name, True)

# Check the upload status of the training and validation dataset files.
(train_status, valid_status) = check_status(training_id, validation_id)

# Poll and display the upload status once per second until both files succeed or fail to upload.
while train_status not in ["succeeded", "failed"] or valid_status not in ["succeeded", "failed"]:
    (train_status, valid_status) = check_status(training_id, validation_id)

# This example defines a fine-tune job that creates a customized model based on curie,
# with just a single pass through the training data. The job also provides
# classification-specific metrics by using our validation data, at the end of that epoch.
create_args = {
    "training_file": training_id,
    "validation_file": validation_id,
    "model": "curie",
    "n_epochs": 1,
    "compute_classification_metrics": True,
    "classification_n_classes": 3

# Create the fine-tune job and retrieve the job ID and status from the response.
resp = openai.FineTune.create(**create_args)
job_id = resp["id"]
status = resp["status"]

# You can use the job ID to monitor the status of the fine-tune job.
# The fine-tune job might take some time to start and complete.
print(f'Fine-tuning model with job ID: {job_id}.')

# Get the status of our fine-tune job.
status = openai.FineTune.retrieve(id=job_id)["status"]

# If the job isn't yet done, poll it every 2 seconds.
if status not in ["succeeded", "failed"]:
    print(f'Job not in terminal status: {status}. Waiting.')
    while status not in ["succeeded", "failed"]:
        status = openai.FineTune.retrieve(id=job_id)["status"]
        print(f'Status: {status}')
    print(f'Fine-tune job {job_id} finished with status: {status}')

# Check if there are other fine-tune jobs in the subscription. 
# Your fine-tune job might be queued, so this is helpful information to have
# if your fine-tune job hasn't yet started.
print('Checking other fine-tune jobs in the subscription.')
result = openai.FineTune.list()
print(f'Found {len(result)} fine-tune jobs.')

# Retrieve the name of the customized model from the fine-tune job.
result = openai.FineTune.retrieve(id=job_id)
if result["status"] == 'succeeded':
    model = result["fine_tuned_model"]

# Create the deployment for the customized model by using the standard scale type
# without specifying a scale capacity.
print(f'Creating a new deployment with model: {model}')
result = openai.Deployment.create(model=model, scale_settings={"scale_type":"standard", "capacity": None})

# Retrieve the deployment job ID from the results.
deployment_id = result["id"]

Based on this Microsoft official documentation: Microsoft documentation for OpenAI fine-tuning

Now, when I run this script I get the following error:

openai.error.InvalidRequestError: The specified base model does not support fine-tuning.

Based on a similar question (similar question), it seems that the problem is related to the region where my OpenAI service is deployed, indeed my OpenAI service is deployed in East US, and as far as I understood, the only available region for fine-tuning is Central US. The problem is that I don't see Central US as an available region to deploy an OpenAI service:

regions available for OpenAI deployment

Note that I also tried "North Central US", and got the same error.

Do you know what could be the reason of this error?


  • openai.error.InvalidRequestError: The specified base model does not support fine-tuning.

    According to MS-Q&A by AshokPeddakotla-MSFT,

    • Fine-tuning is currently not available for new customers as it is turned off for all regions. Unfortunately, they don't have any ETA at this moment when fine-tuning opens again.
    • If you have previously fine-tuned & deployed in a region, then you can fine-tune in that region if it's available.

    A fine tuning can deploy only in Southcentral US location as of now.

    I had an old subscription with created Azure Open AI service in the South Central US location.

    Portal: enter image description here

    Now, I tried with your same code and it deployed successfully.


    enter image description here


    enter image description here

    But as of now, a new customer can't able to deploy the fine-tuning-based model.


    Azure OpenAI Service models - Azure OpenAI | Microsoft Learn