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I am not getting any container info from my storage account when using the "get-azstoragecontainer" command powershell

when try to get the containers list of my storage account I am getting these 2 errors Get-AzStorageContainer : Retry failed after 6 tries. Retry settings can be adjusted in ClientOptions.Retry.

or Get-AzStorageContainer : This request is not authorized to perform this operation. RequestId:0000000...

when searching over the internet I found this Microsoft's blog

it basically says your network configuration on the storage account is not allowing you to retrieve such information.

I have 1 storage account with the same network configuration (t6hat is working fine and that I can get the list of containers using the same command) so I copied/replicated that config on a different storage account (which is having the issues) but did not work.

The config I did on the storage account not giving me the list of containers is :

  1. I added a VNET and created a private endpoint and configured the method "Enabled from selected virtual networks and IP addresses" but I am still getting one of those 2 errors

I am guessing is something related to the network config but I don't know what else to check.

this is the config of one of the storage accounts I am able to get the list of containers it is connected to a VNET with a private endpoint created (1st image) image 1

the second image is to show the network config of the storage account I am not able to get the list of containers

image 2


  • the problem indeed was the configuration of the storage account, in my specific case I needed to create a private endpoint and link that private endpoint to a private DNS zone, after that I was able to access