Search code examples

how to arrange the list elements by splitting the element .?

here is the list


to be sorted to


tried this custom sort to sort by last two characters but i think i need to modify it to search for the whole string.

proc sort_by_last_two {a b} {
    set a_last_two [string range $a end-1 end]
    set b_last_two [string range $b end-1 end]
    return [string compare $a_last_two $b_last_two]
set sorted_list [lsort -command sort_by_last_two $my_lis]


  • Let's do a "decorate-sort-undecorate" technique:

    set theList {"_7_to_0_k1" "_7_to_0_k3" "_7_6_5_0_k4" "_3_2_k6" "_4_3_2_1_k4" "_1_k5" "_3_2_k5" "_0_k5" "_3_2_k7" "_4_k5" "_5_k5" "_7_6_k5" "_7_6_k6" "_7_to_0_k2" "_7_6_k7"}
    set decorated [lmap elem $theList {list $elem [lrange [split $elem "_"] end-1 end]}]
    set decoratedSorted [lsort -index end $decorated]
    set sortedList [lmap item $decoratedSorted {lindex $item 0}]