I am struggling with getting proper item to action on my click event.
Context: I have been able to locate, or I think that I have, the appropriate item to click... Looking at the button class "css-z4yfkz", I'm able to click it. However, rather than getting the Day-Of Ops Plan, the Pick Orders gets downloaded... So I noticed while watching the item, when I click the Day-Of Ops Plan button, another class item quickly opens, which I've been able to snag.
So, at the bottom of the page, I'm attempting to click the "Day-Of Ops" Plan button.
When using the cd.FindElementByClass ("css-z4yfkz").Click, I'm getting the "Pick Order" button, i.e. downloaded file...
What I have found through further review, is that when I click the "Day-Of Ops Plan" button, a subsequent class object appears "css-5ssczt". However, without the click, I'm unable to locate it. So I attempted to sequence consecutive clicks w/o success.
cd.FindElementByClass ("css-z4yfkz").Click
cd.FindElementByClass ("css-5ssczt").Click
Is there a method for getting to this item, such that I can click it? I've temporarily generated a workaround using the SeleniumWrapper.Keys, but this is not a good long term solution.
As a note, I got the same result using
cd.FindElementByXPath("//button[@class ='css-z4yfkz']").Click
Thank you, in advance, for your time and contribution.
As noted above, I have attempted to use both Class names, the prior results in a download that comes from the Pick Order button. As I stated, I was able to capture the "<div class="css-5ssczt" that occurs when the button is clicked, but I'm not able to find it, nor able to create the action to engage it...
My temporary answer is to use SendKeys
as follows.