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How to: Mount an Azure Storage File Share to On-premise cluster

I have been using AKS service and Azure file share but I want to test some applications on-premise and I want to mount my file share on an on-premise cluster

I want to create secrets and they should be running

In AKS I have been creating secrets and it is working as expected


  • There are ways to achieve this.

    1. You will need to have the Azure File share created in Azure obviously.
    2. Install cifs-utils
    3. To securely provide the Azure Files share username and access key to your on-premises server, create a credentials file that is only readable by yourself (root?)
    4. Mount the file share to your on-premises "server": sudo mount -t cifs //<STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME><SHARE_NAME> <MOUNT_POINT> -o credentials=/etc/smbcredentials/<SHARE_NAME>.cred,serverino,vers=3.0,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777 -adjust the permissions after needs.
    5. Verify the mount points is available by either ls <MOUNT_POINT> or df -h
    6. Optionally add the mount point to /etc/fstab so that the share is available after a reboot.