I'm working on a project with Symfony 6.2, Doctrine 2 and php 8.
I would like to do some check on method of controller via IsGranted
(php attribute).
In simple word, i want to check this :
In order to do the and
, i'm using Expression
. However i do not find how to pass the parameter $operator
as subject to the Expression.
here my code :
#[Route(path : '/edit/{id}',
name : 'resources_operator_edit',
requirements: ['id' => '\d+'],
options : ['menu' => true],
defaults : ['user_activity' => ['access' => true, 'name' => 'platform_user_activity.operator_edit']],
methods : ['GET', 'POST'])
attribute: new Expression("is_granted('ROLE_GA_OPERATOR_USER') and is_granted(constant('\\\App\\\Security\\\Voter\\\OperatorVoter::UPDATE'))
and is_granted(constant('\\\App\\\Security\\\Voter\\\OperatorRightVoter::HAS_RIGHT'), operator)"),
subject : new Expression('args["operator"]')
public function edit (Request $request, Operator $operator): Response
// some code
And OperatorRightVoter
class OperatorRightVoter extends Voter
const HAS_RIGHT = 'operatorHAS_RIGHT';
public function __construct (protected RequestStack $requestStack, protected Security $security)
protected function supports ($attribute, $subject): bool
if ($attribute != self::HAS_RIGHT) {
return false;
return true;
* @inheritDoc
protected function voteOnAttribute (string $attribute, $subject, TokenInterface $token): bool
$user = $token->getUser();
// the user must be logged in; if not, deny permission
if (!$user instanceof User) {
return false;
// if ($this->security->isGranted('ROLE_GA_OPERATOR_ADMIN')) {
// return true;
// }
I tried to set the subject and pass to the attribute, but it's not working for a is_granted
inside a Expression.
is not known. It's working if i pass a "build in" variable such as user
. However i want to pass the variable $operator
Do i do incorrectly or there is another way to do that ?
I would like to avoid if possible to do the test in the method via ->isGranted()
. I would prefer to do it via php attribute.
Any idea or advice please ?
You should make something like:
attribute: new Expression("is_granted('ROLE_GA_OPERATOR_USER') and is_granted(constant('\\\App\\\Security\\\Voter\\\OperatorVoter::UPDATE'))
and is_granted(constant('\\\App\\\Security\\\Voter\\\OperatorRightVoter::HAS_RIGHT'), subject)"),
subject : 'operator'
actually, in expression you should pass predefined variable 'subject' and then define subject of attribute IsGranted.