MySQL version: Ver 8.0.34 for Win64 on x86_64 (MySQL Community Server - GPL)
BIT_LENGTH(str): Returns the length of the string str in bits. Returns NULL if str is NULL.
When I type:
select BIT_LENGTH('你好')/8;
I got:
| BIT_LENGTH('你好')/8 |
| 4.0000 |
When I create a table and create a column called 'Hello', and insert '你好':
select Hello from chinese_test;
| Hello |
| NULL |
| NULL |
| NULL |
| 你好 |
select LENGTH(Hello) from chinese_test;
select LENGTH(Hello) from chinese_test;
| LENGTH(Hello) |
| NULL |
| NULL |
| NULL |
| 6 |
So, why I got 2 bytes from the BIT_LENGTH funcion. I googled and checked the MySQL Reference Manual (It's thankful that someone will tell me what I missed). There is no related content with the BIT_LENGTH function inside.
I just want to know how the BIT_LENGTH function return 2 bytes of chinese character rather than 3 bytes or 4 bytes.
result is dependent on your connection character set.
What is the output of:
select @@character_set_connection, BIT_LENGTH('你好')/8;
See a dbfiddle.