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How to get the Oracle Apex userID or UserName that is logged in to write it to a text feild in a form

I'm trying to get and write the userID that has updated a value in a form to a table.

So if I'm logged in as Bob then I would expect that the P3_USERID column to display Bob or my ID when the user selects Update.


select * from SYSUSER where user_id = :APP_USER;```



  • Is it ok to assume that you are trying to capture auditing data. Who created/updated a row in this table and when did that happen. If that is the case then the best practice in apex is to have a trigger do that for you. Here is an example (generated with apex sql workshop > utilities > quicksql - settings include Audit columns):

    -- create tables
    create table mytable (
        id                             number generated by default on null as identity 
                                       constraint mytable_id_pk primary key,
        column1                        varchar2(100 char),
        created                        date not null,
        created_by                     varchar2(255 char) not null,
        updated                        date not null,
        updated_by                     varchar2(255 char) not null
    -- triggers
    create or replace trigger mytable_biu
        before insert or update 
        on mytable
        for each row
        if inserting then
            :new.created := sysdate;
            :new.created_by := coalesce(sys_context('APEX$SESSION','APP_USER'),user);
        end if;
        :new.updated := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := coalesce(sys_context('APEX$SESSION','APP_USER'),user);
    end mytable_biu;

    Then your apex form, do not include those page items on insert and set them read only on update.