I am returning below widget in my build method of StatefulWidget class in flutter app:
return Stack(
children: [
builder: (context) {
return SingleChildScrollView(
scrollDirection: Axis.vertical,
child: Column(
children: [
_dashboardStore.showFirstPageLoading == false
? _buildDashboardTableDataWidgets()
: Container(),
_dashboardStore.showFirstPageLoading == false
? _buildFactAndFigureWidget()
: Container(),
You can notice that I am using Observer and using mobx state management in flutter. Here, _dashboardStore is the class which with mixin Store and initialized as below:
_dashboardStore = Provider.of<DashboardStore>(context, listen: false);
In my above Widget I am using below observable fields which is their inside DashboardStore as:
DashboardTableDataRes? dashboardTableDataRes;
FactAndFigureDataRes? dashboardFactAndFigureRes;
But I am getting below exception while running the app:
The following _Exception was thrown building Observer(dirty): Exception: Error happened when building Observer, but it was captured since disableErrorBoundaries==true
The relevant error-causing widget was: Observer Observer:file:///home/growexx/StudioProjects/flutter-mobile-app/lib/ui/dashboard/dashboard_view.dart:92:9
Below is the dependency I am using in pubspec.yaml file:
mobx: ^2.0.1
flutter_mobx: ^2.0.0
provider: ^6.0.0
and below are the dev dependencies:
mobx_codegen: ^2.0.1+3
build_runner: ^2.0.3
What am I doing wrong here or What might be the issue?
Your direct return of singleChildScrollView without first ensuring null safety may be the problem.
So, you can try the below method to avoid this error:
builder: (context) {
// check for null safety first
if (_dashboardStore.dashboardTableDataRes == null &&
_dashboardStore.dashboardFactAndFigureRes == null) {
return Container(); // Return loading or any Other error widget you want
// Continue to build your UI without null data
// your widget
return SingleChildScrollView(
Also, I'm assuming _dashboardStore.showFirstPageLoading == false
in your store (controller) you initialized with the default value.
If not, then also try null safe for _dashboardStore.showFirstPageLoading == false
also and return loading or something you want in your code.