I don't how to deal with scrolling a list of 1000 windows. I have 1000 windows in a column. The column is higher than the window, because every window in the list is 40 pixels high, so the column is 40000 pixels high.
I tried 2 things.
I changed the Y position of each one of them and move them with XMoveWindow
, I do it slower than 16ms and get some blinking. All in all it's not a scalable solution. So it doesn't work.
I made a window which is 40000 pixels high, but if I move it Xlib raises and error BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)
There is an Xlib manual with an example of scrolling some text in a window. You draw text into the pixmap and copy the Pixmap
to the Window
with XCopyArea
from a certain point when you scroll the text. Again I don't really understand how to handle a big chunk of text, because you can't create a big Pixmap
How can I scroll 1000 windows? An idea with references to Xlib functions or even a code snippet in C/D/Rust/Python/C++/Go/Java are appreciated.
n. m. could be an AI answered my question in comments. Mapping those buttons which are visible and unmapping the rest of them works just fine for 1000 buttons. The CPU load was close to 1%, the consumed memory wasn't that high. Below 4MB. I guess that the memory was allocated for the process Xorg.
But I found myself drawing about 25000 buttons. And all of them are visible. I have rows of buttons. It's actually a Flame Graph if it helps. It took a couple of seconds, which doesn't work for me. For this case the answer from Erdal Küçük worked. One clarification. Finding a button under the cursor in my case was pretty simple because:
Works fast enough, even for hover events (when the mouse is over a button). The CPU utilization barely gets to 1%.