I am trying to get a xml file with data into Flex application. There are a lot of examples online passing parameter into flex I found very helpful. However, it doesn't really work in my case.
here is my code in HTML:
var flashvars = {};
flashvars.storageStatsXML = "stats.xml";
var params = {};
swfobject.embedSWF("mySWF.swf", "mySWF", "1000", "500", "10.0.0", "js/expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params);
here is the code in mxml:
public var storageStats:XML;
protected function start(event:FlexEvent):void
storageStats = Application.application.parameters.storageStatsXML;
And then the XML file got parsed in the application.
I think there is something not right about the code, any thoughts?
The Application.application.parameters.storageStatsXML
property is not the XML data you are expecting, it is a String
containing the text "stats.xml"
In the same way that the file path "c:\temp\info.txt" (or "/temp/info.txt") isn't the file itself, it just tells you how to find the file on disk.
You will need to use a URLRequest to load the XML file specified by the storageStatsXML
Have a look at the Actionscript documentation and here on StackOverflow for examples on how to load external data.