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Store some data of one Array into another Array in VBS

I have a CSV file in the following format:

abc, def
ghi, xyz

I am getting the data inside the file into an Array with this Function:

Public Function readeEachColumnDataExcel()
    Dim filename
    Dim fso
    Dim f
    Dim arrData
    Dim arrDataParameter()
    Dim fData
    filename = "test.csv"
    Set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    Set f  = fso.OpenTextFile("C:\Users\U5UI5TU\Documents\PDRM_Project\Excel\"& Filename)
    While not f.AtEndOfStream
        fData = f.ReadLine    ' Read CSV File Line
        arrData = split(fData,",")    'Split the line
        'arrDataParameter = arrData(1)

    Set fso=Nothing
End Function
Call readeEachColumnDataExcel

Now I want to save the second value of arrData for every iteration into the array arrDataParameter (see the line commented). How can I do that? Any help on this will be much appreciated.


  • CSV Column To Array


    • The empty line is just used to illustrate the behavior of the code.


    enter image description here


    • Usually, the column separator has no spaces. If it does, replace the "," with ", ".
    • If the file is empty i.e. its length is 0, the function will return an empty Variant (Empty).
    Option Explicit
    ' Main
    Const FOLDER_PATH = "C:\Users\U5UI5TU\Documents\PDRM_Project\Excel\"
    Const FILE_NAME = "test.csv"
    Const COLUMN_INDEX = 1 ' zero-based
    Const COLUMN_SEPARATOR = ","
    Dim Arr: Arr = CsvColumnToArray( _
    If Not IsEmpty(Arr) Then
        MsgBox "Result" & vbLf & vbLf & "Strings Found: ... " & UBound(Arr) + 1 _
            & vbLf & Join(Arr, vbLf), vbInformation, "Test"
    End If
    ' Procedures
    Private Function CsvColumnToArray( _
            FolderPath, _
            Filename, _
            ColumnIndex, _
        Const PROC_TITLE = "CSV Column To Array"
        Dim fso: Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        If Not fso.FolderExists(FolderPath) Then
            MsgBox "The path """ & FolderPath & """ doesn't exist!", _
                vbCritical, PROC_TITLE
            Exit Function
        End If
        Dim FilePath: FilePath = FolderPath & Filename
        If Not fso.FileExists(FilePath) Then
            MsgBox "The file """ & FILE_NAME & """ doesn't exist in """ _
                & FolderPath & """!", vbCritical, PROC_TITLE
            Exit Function
        End If
        Dim n: n = 0
        Dim WasLineFound: WasLineFound = False
        Dim fsoFile: Set fsoFile = fso.OpenTextFile(FilePath)
        Dim ArrSplit, ArrResult(), CurrentLine, CurrentString, HadStringLength
        Do While Not fsoFile.AtEndOfStream
            CurrentLine = fsoFile.ReadLine
            HadStringLength = False
            If Len(CurrentLine) > 0 Then
                ArrSplit = Split(CurrentLine, ColumnSeparator)
                If UBound(ArrSplit) >= ColumnIndex Then
                    CurrentString = ArrSplit(ColumnIndex)
                    If Len(CurrentString) > 0 Then
                        ReDim Preserve ArrResult(n): ArrResult(n) = CurrentString
                        HadStringLength = True
                    End If
                End If
            End If
            If Not WasLineFound Then
                If n > 0 Or Len(CurrentLine) > 0 Then WasLineFound = True
            End If
            n = n + 1
        If Not WasLineFound Then
            MsgBox "No data found in """ & FilePath & """!", _
            vbCritical, PROC_TITLE
            Exit Function
        End If
        If Not HadStringLength Then ReDim Preserve ArrResult(n - 1)
        CsvColumnToArray = ArrResult
    End Function