Search code examples

how do I dismiss keyboard when a UIView receives accessibilityElementDidLoseFocus

I have a search view controller with the search bar on top. When searching, the keyboard shows up and stay up even when accessibilityElementDidLoseFocus is called on the search bar.

I would like to dismiss the keyboard when that happens. Can I do that without subclassing the search bar I am using?


  • Here is a way to do that without subclassing:

    // Assuming you have an accessibility element with an identifier
    let myAccessibilityElement = UIAccessibilityElement(accessibilityContainer: self)
    // Observe accessibility focus changes
        selector: #selector(accessibilityElementDidLoseFocus), 
        name: UIAccessibilityElement.didLoseFocusNotification, 
        object: myAccessibilityElement
    @objc func accessibilityElementDidLoseFocus() {
        // Dismiss keyboard here