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Call a CTE based on a criterion - Case statement SQL

I have two CTEs with the same structure but reading data from two different tables.

Based on a date filter how do I call a CTE using an IF or CASE statement in SQL?

Something like this:

with combined_query as
 select * from CTE1 
 union all
 select * from CTE2
case when date >= '2023-01-01' select * from CTE1
else select * from CTE2 end as criteria
from combined_query

The date column is in both CTEs.


  • Maybe try using WHERE like this?

    with combined_query AS (
        SELECT *, 'CTE1' AS source FROM CTE1
        UNION ALL
        SELECT *, 'CTE2' AS source FROM CTE2
    SELECT *
    FROM combined_query
    WHERE (date >= '2023-01-01' AND source = 'CTE1')
       OR (date < '2023-01-01' AND source = 'CTE2');