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Python script Permission Denied from shell script when invoked from Crontab

I have to schedule some tasks for which I invoke a shell script in my home directory. I try to run a python script from this Shell script but it doesn't work.

I have tried the following till now.

  1. I have validated that Crontab does invoke the shell script by echoing from the shell script to an output file
  2. I ran the shell script independently from the terminal and it executes the python script successfully
  3. I have added the shell script to chmod and also the python script

Shell script code


python3 /absolute path/to/file/ >> log_script.txt


  • I was finally able to solve this question thanks to get the good suggestion provided here, cron needs to be provided disk access, it seems, it doesn't have disk access by default, as a side not make sure to also allow terminal to have full disk access

    Simply add the following to full disk access under,

    System Settings > Privacy & Security > Full Disk Access
