How do I escape quotes in this SPARQL query?
SELECT * WHERE { <\"Dede\"_Sabino> rdfs:label ?lbl . ?sub a foaf:Person . ?sub rdfs:label ?lbl . optional {?sub dbo:birthDate ?birthDate .} optional {?sub dbo:birthPlace ?birthPlace . ?birthPlace a dbo:Location } optional {?sub dbo:birthPlace ?birthPlace2 .} ?sub dbo:abstract ?abstract . filter(langMatches(lang(?lbl), "en")) filter(langMatches(lang(?abstract ), "en")) } LIMIT 10
I have tried ""
and \"
and '
The quote character ("
) is not allowed in IRIs (in general, not just specifically in SPARQL). It has to be percent-encoded as %22
So the IRI would not be"Dede"_Sabino
(Browsers typically display the unencoded form of the IRI in the address bar, but when copy-pasting it, you should get the percent-encoded form.)
If you need a quote character inside a string value in SPARQL, you can encode it with a backslash:
?person schema:name "Andre \"Dede\" Sabino" .