I've seen this question a few times for python but I am looking for how to do it in Lua. I have a dictionary that looks like:
myValues = {
I want a function or method that gives me the key with the largest value. In this case I would input the 'myValues' dictionary and it will throw out 'key3' as a result. Any ideas?
Lua table syntax isn't JSON. As a Lua table, this would be
tab = {key1 = 123, key2 = 43, key3 = 367, key4 = 2}
To find the key corresponding to the highest value, simply loop over the table:
local max_key
for key, value in pairs(tab) do
if max_key == nil or value > tab[max_key] then
max_key = key
This can be rewritten to be slightly more elegant using next
local max_key = next(tab)
for key, value in next, tab, max_key do
if value > tab[max_key] then
max_key = key
For performance, you might want to keep the corresponding max. value in a local variable:
local max_key, max_value = next(tab)
for key, value in next, tab, max_key do
if value > max_value then
max_key, max_value = key, value