I am trying to create an Azure Monitor workbook that contains a dropdown parameter that allows you to select a subscription. I know of the existance of the "subscription picker" parameter type but I want to include the names of the management group the subscription belongs to.
So, I have this:
| where type == "microsoft.resources/subscriptions"
| extend mgs = properties.managementGroupAncestorsChain
| project name, mgs
which leds to this output:
name | mgs |
Sub1 | [{"displayName": "Test and Prod Development Group","name": "testprod" }, {"displayName": "Root Group","name": "b266655a-542b-4ab8-8d8f-6ce387638820"}] |
Sub2 | [{"displayName":"Sandbox","name":"sandbox"},{"displayName":"Root Group","name":"266655a-542b-4ab8-8d8f-6ce387638820"}] |
Now, since I cannot build a tree like parameter I want to reflect the hierarchy like this:
name | parent |
Sub1 | Root Group -> Test and Prod Development Group |
Sub2 | Root Group -> Sandbox |
I've tried to apply the mv-apply
operator but after numerous attempts full of parser errors I found out that that operator is not supported for Azure Resource Graph queries.
What are my options, which operator could help me?
you can use mv-expand to achieve it. I understand that you want the subname as column1 and managementgroupancestorchain display values as another colum2. if yes you can use the below query
| where type == "microsoft.resources/subscriptions"
| extend mgs = properties.managementGroupAncestorsChain
| mv-expand mgs
| project name, mgs.displayName,mgs
| summarize mgs_dis= make_list(mgs_displayName) by name