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Unit test Axios HttpService pipe in NestJS Middleware

The middleware fetches a json document from a microservice endpoint and attaches it to the request.

The good path test is ok, but I can't get the bad path test to throw the ForbiddenException and prevent it from calling next().

Outside of a Jest test, the middleware will block a request if it fails to fetch the json document.

Any help is appreciated :)


import { ForbiddenException, Injectable, NestMiddleware } from '@nestjs/common'
import { HttpService } from '@nestjs/axios'
import { NextFunction, Request, Response } from 'express'
import { catchError, firstValueFrom } from 'rxjs'
import { LoggerService } from '../logger.service'

export class MyMiddleware implements NestMiddleware {
    private logger: LoggerService,
    private httpService: HttpService,
  ) {}

  async use(req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) {

    const response = await firstValueFrom(
        .get('https://myservice/document-endpoint', {
          headers: {
            Cookie: req.headers['cookie'],
          catchError((error: Error) => {
            throw new ForbiddenException()

    req.document =


'Bad path' test is the problem ... the nextFunction method is getting called and I can't manage to get it to throw the error.

import { MyMiddleware } from './mymiddleware'
import { NextFunction, Request, Response } from 'express'
import { LoggerService } from '../logger/logger.service'
import { of } from 'rxjs'
import { createMock } from '@golevelup/nestjs-testing'
import { HttpService } from '@nestjs/axios'
import { AxiosResponse } from 'axios'

describe('Authorization middleware', () => {
  let middleware: MyMiddleware
  let mockRequest: Partial<Request>
  let mockResponse: Partial<Response>
  let nextFunction: NextFunction = jest.fn()
  let mockHttpService = createMock<HttpService>()
  mockRequest = {
    headers: {
      cookie: 'idToken=asdasdasd'

  beforeEach(async () => {
    mockResponse = {
      json: jest.fn(),

    middleware = new MyMiddleware(new LoggerService(), mockHttpService)

  test('bad path', async () => {

    const mockDocumentResponse: AxiosResponse = {
      status: 404, 
      statusText: '',
      headers: {},
      config: {},
      data: { error: 'Not Found' }

    const httpSpy = jest.spyOn(mockHttpService, 'get')

    await middleware.use(mockRequest as Request, mockResponse as Response, nextFunction)

  test('good path', async () => {

    const mockDocumentResponse: AxiosResponse = {
      status: 200, 
      statusText: '',
      headers: {},
      config: {},
      data: {
        value: 'example document',

    jest.spyOn(mockHttpService, 'get').mockImplementationOnce(() => of(mockDocumentResponse));
    await middleware.use(mockRequest as Request, mockResponse as Response, nextFunction)



  • I never got around to posting the solution, but it seems like the question gets a few visits so here it is.

    The key point is that NestJS integrates RxJS as a first class citizen and embraces the concept of Observables. The HttpService (a wrapper around axios) returns Observables by default.

    Observables are different to promises (, and in the middleware code this is dealt with by using the firstValueFrom method (imported from RxJS), which converts the Observable into a regular javascript promise.

    So, when the 'bad path' is being tested, we are simulating an error using Observables. This can be done by returning a new Observable that immediately throws an error using the s.error(err) method.

    import { Observable, of } from 'rxjs'
    test('bad path', async () => {
      const err = { response: 'resp', status: '500' }
      // Instead of returning an error response, we simulate throwing an error.
      const httpSpy = jest.spyOn(mockHttpService, 'get')
        .mockImplementationOnce(() => new Observable(subscriber => subscriber.error(err)))
      // Handle the expected ForbiddenException
      await middleware.use(mockRequest as Request, mockResponse as Response, nextFunction)
        .catch((error) => {