I am using Wire Elements Modal, It is working properly but events are not getting triggered from modal component. My modal is like below
class AddUser extends ModalComponent
public function render()
return view('add-user');
In above component two events are emitted and below code listens to them. But below code is not triggered at all. If I use normal Livewire component then below code is triggered without any issue. The problem is only if I use WireElements/modal component.
In layout file I have listener like below
Livewire.on('refresh', () => {
window.addEventListener('contentChanged', (e) => {
This works in normal livewire component but not in modal.
The initial render will not handle emits or browser events since at that point there isn't even a rendered document. What you can do is use wire:init, to trigger your events in the first render:
class AddUser extends ModalComponent
public function render()
return view('add-user');
public function sendEvents()
<div wire:init="sendEvents">
I have tested this myself and it triggers each request cycle.