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Vercel Postgres bulk insert, building sql query dynamically from array

I am trying to create an SQL bulk insert query using sql helper from @vercel/postgres. I intend to build the query from array of objects. Objects has number/string/date typed properties. Creating a string and passing to sql helper won't work, I believe due to parametrized query. So, is there really any way to build a query dynamically and run using Vercel's Postgres package (without using an ORM) ?

I tried something like this, which obviously doesn't work:

import { sql } from "@vercel/postgres";

// Adds same charge for multiple users
export async function bulkInsert(userIds, charge) {
  const values = => `(${id}, ${charge.created_date}, ${charge.amount}, ${charge.note})`

  await sql`INSERT INTO charges (user_id, date_created, amount, note)
            VALUES ${values.join(",")}`;


  • So I figured sql.query() method can be used for this kind of cases. And with the help of json_populate_recordset() here is how my code looks now:

    import { sql } from "@vercel/postgres";
    // Adds same charge for multiple users
    export async function bulkInsert(userIds, charge) {
      const arr = => ({ ...charge, user_id: uid }));
        `INSERT INTO charges (user_id, amount, note, created_at)
         SELECT user_id, amount, note, created_at FROM json_populate_recordset(NULL::charges, $1)`,

    Thanks to @Bergi for directing to the this and that answer, where I referred to solve this.