I can't access state.queryParameters during routing with Go router. In the doc the following example is given:
path: '/users',
builder: (context, state) => const UsersScreen(filter: state.queryParameters['filter']),
Here's how I implemented the whole thing:
final GoRouter _router = GoRouter(
routes: [
path: "/",
builder: (context, state) => const Dashboard(),
routes: [
// 1. pathParameter
GoRoute(path: "profile/:name", builder: (context, state) => Profile(
name: state.pathParameters["name"]!
// 2. queryParameter
GoRoute(path: "settings", builder: (context, state) => Settings(
name: state.queryParameters['name']!
While it works fine with pathParameter, state.queryParameters cannot be accessed. I get following error message: Error: The getter 'queryParameters' isn't defined for the class 'GoRouterState'.
I use go_router: 10.1.2
. Does anyone know what to do here?
There is a breaking change with the latest go_router packages which replaces accessing the location, queryParamters, and queryParameterAll with uri
so instead of accessing the queryParamters like this
GoRoute(path: "profile/:name", builder: (context, state) => Profile(
name: state.pathParameters["name"]!
it has been replaced with this
GoRoute(path: "profile/:name", builder: (context, state) => Profile(
name: state.uri.queryParameters["name"]!
you can read more about it here go_router_migration_guide