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Converting group of values to one line by either pivot or matrix by group

I am somewhat stumped in that I am familiar with pivot- I am looking for away to take already aggregated values and put them into one line based on ID and medication type- for example: T0 is the total dose for the first day, T5 is total dose for the 5th day, Total_dose is the total dose for all days

The input:

with samp as (select 1 as ID, 'A' as medication, 6 as T0, 8 as T5, 35 as total_dose from dual union all
         select 1 as ID, 'B' as medication, 3 as T0, 2 as T5, 15 as total_dose from dual union all
         select 2 as ID, 'A' as medication, 6 as T0, NULL as T5, 18 as total_dose from dual union all
         select 2 as ID, 'C' as medication, 100 as T0, 120 as T5, 550 as total_dose from dual)
select * from samp;

What it is

ID Medication T0 T5 Total_dose
1 A 6 8 35
1 B 3 2 15
2 A 6 18
2 C 100 120 550

What I want is:

ID T0_A T5_A Total_dose_A T0_B T5_B Total_dose_B T0_C T5_C Total_dose_C
1 6 8 35 3 2 15
2 6 18 100 120 550

I need to do this dynamically speaking as there may some 100 medications. Any assistance appreciated.


  • You can use:

    WITH samp (id, medication, T0, T5, total_dose) AS (
      SELECT 1, 'A',   6,    8,  35 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
      SELECT 1, 'B',   3,    2,  15 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
      SELECT 2, 'A',   6, NULL,  85 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
      SELECT 2, 'C', 100,  120, 550 FROM DUAL
    SELECT id,
           a_t0 AS t0_a,
           a_t5 AS t5_a,
           a_total_dose AS total_dose_a,
           b_t0 AS t0_b,
           b_t5 AS t5_b,
           b_total_dose AS total_dose_b,
           c_t0 AS t0_c,
           c_t5 AS t5_c,
           c_total_dose AS total_dose_c
    FROM   samp
    PIVOT (
      MAX(T0) AS t0,
      MAX(T5) AS t5,
      MAX(Total_Dose) AS total_dose
      FOR medication IN (
        'A' AS a,
        'B' AS b,
        'C' AS c

    Which outputs:

    1 6 8 35 3 2 15 null null null
    2 6 null 85 null null null 100 120 550

    If you want the columns as A_T0, A_T5, A_TOTAL_DOSE, etc. then you can just use SELECT * rather than renaming the columns.


    I need to do this dynamically speaking as there may some 100 medications.

    Oracle does not natively support dynamic pivots; just type all the 100 values.

    If you really want a dynamic pivot then you are going to have to write some PL/SQL code to generate the query.