When the user changes the month i need to re-render the highlightedDates: a query is called and retrieve all the dates of that month. It works if the user use the top button to manually select a month and the year, but if he just click on the arrows: "<" ">" then the ionChange is not trigger.
<div class="calendar">
Basically i need an eventListener when the user click on the arrows of the calendar
Somewhat found a solution thanks to Misha Mashina comment
const monthText = document.querySelector('ion-datetime')?.shadowRoot?.querySelector('.calendar-header')?.querySelector('ion-label');
const elementToObserve = document.querySelector('ion-datetime')?.shadowRoot?.querySelector('.calendar-body')
if (elementToObserve) {
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList, observer) => {
this.monthString = monthText?.textContent;
let parts = this.monthString.split(" ")
let monthIndex = this.monthNames.indexOf(parts[0].toLowerCase())
let monthNumber = monthIndex + 1
let year = parts[1]
this.monthToDate = new Date(year, monthNumber).toISOString()
const observerConfig = {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
observer.observe(elementToObserve, observerConfig)
Got the calendar element using:
Then MutationObserver to track mutation of that