I have an assembly with multiple instances. I want to find out if a specific instance is suppressed. I assume the property is stored somehwere in the instance opbject:
instance = mdb.models['MODELNAME'].rootAssembly.instance['INSTANCE NAME']
But I can't find the variable that tells me if the instance is suppressed. Anybody here knows?
I know how to suppress and resume an instance but i don't know what variable is changed when I do that. I think i need to find this variable...
Oke I figured it out. You need to do the following.
#create a list containing the keys of the instances in the assembly
instance_keys = mdb.models['MODEL NAME'].rootAssembly.instances.keys()
#check if the instance is supressed
for key in instance_keys:
if mdb.models['MODEL NAME'].rootAssembly.features[key].isSuppressed():
print('Instance: ' + key + ' is supressed')