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Ignore specified column while highlighting

Here is my DataFrame...

from termcolor import colored
import pandas as pd

data = {'Col1': [0, 15, 10, 5, 20, 17], 'Col2': [11, 6, 3, 16, 21, 8], 'Col3': [2, 17, 12, 7, 22, 9],

         'Col4': [3, 8, 13, 18, 3, 23], 'Col5': [4, 19, 8, 11, 6, 20]}

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

Now I'm trying to highlight 3 lagest values in each column with red(1st largest), blue(2nd largest) & magenta(3rd largest) color excluding Col2 & Col4.

I tried as ...

columns_to_exclude = ['Col2', 'Col4']

def highlighted(column):

    filtered_df = df.drop(columns=columns_to_exclude)

    values = column.nlargest(3).tolist()

    colors = []

    for x in column:

        if x in values:

            if x == values[0]:

                colors.append(colored(str(x), None, 'on_red'))

            elif x == values[1]:

                colors.append(colored(str(x), None, 'on_blue'))

            elif x == values[2]:

                colors.append(colored(str(x), None, 'on_magenta'))


            colors.append(colored(str(x), 'white'))

    return colors

for col in df.columns:

    df[col] = highlighted(df[col])

df.columns = [colored(col, None, 'on_black') for col in df.columns]


But getting all the 5 columns to be highlighted as par my defined coloured. Where I'm wrong ???? Is there any more shorter and simpler way too ??


  • You can check for the name when use apply:

    def hightlight(series, excluded, special_col, special_val):
        # handle special case
        if == special_col:
            special_val = str(special_val)
            return series.astype(str).apply(lambda x: colored(x, None, 'on_yellow') if x == special_val else
                                                colored(x, 'white') )
        # general case
        if in excluded:
            return series.astype(str).apply(lambda x: colored(x, 'white'))
        colors = pd.Series([(None,'on_red'),(None,'on_blue'), (None,'on_magenta')]
                                + [('white',)]*(len(series)-3),
        return [colored(str(x), *c) for x,c in zip(series, colors)]
    print(df.apply(hightlight, excluded=columns_to_exclude, special_col='Col4', special_val=18)
            .rename(columns=lambda x: colored(x, 'white', None))


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