In google pub/sub, if topic created, we could set the retention policy
by clicking, edit, edit topic, update
is it possible to update this value programmatically?
I see that there is such configuration on subscription level but not in the topic level?
Yes, message retention can be configured in the topic programmatically. In Go, you would set the RetentionDuration
in the TopicConfig
and pass that to CreateTopicWithConfig
to do it at create time:
tc := TopicConfig{
RetentionDuration = 168 * time.Hour
topic, err := c.CreateTopicWithConfig(context.Background(), "my-topic", tc)
To do it at update time, you set the property in the TopicConfigToUpdate
and pass it to Update
topic := client.Topic("my-topic")
topicConfig, err := topic.Update(ctx, pubsub.TopicConfigToUpdate{
RetentionDuration = 168 * time.Hour