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Google Pub/Sub set enable message retention on topic programatically

In google pub/sub, if topic created, we could set the retention policy

list of topics

by clicking, edit, edit topic, update

updating retention policy

is it possible to update this value programmatically?

I see that there is such configuration on subscription level but not in the topic level?


  • Yes, message retention can be configured in the topic programmatically. In Go, you would set the RetentionDuration in the TopicConfig and pass that to CreateTopicWithConfig to do it at create time:

    tc := TopicConfig{
        RetentionDuration = 168 * time.Hour
    topic, err := c.CreateTopicWithConfig(context.Background(), "my-topic", tc)

    To do it at update time, you set the property in the TopicConfigToUpdate and pass it to Update:

    topic := client.Topic("my-topic")
    topicConfig, err := topic.Update(ctx, pubsub.TopicConfigToUpdate{
      RetentionDuration = 168 * time.Hour