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Highcharts angular map chart with tiledwebmap and choropleth not working?

I am trying to create a Highcharts choropleth mapchart with the Esri Tiled Web Map(background) in angular 14. both series working if loaded seperately, but if i render a map with both choropleth mapchart series and Esri Tiled Web Map series then pages getting frozen/not working.

working stackblitz ->

Please help me to find solution.

Expected Map Output


  • you missed the tiledwebmap module in your example.

    import TiledWebMap from 'highcharts/modules/tiledwebmap';

    Apart from that, use TopoJSON instead GeoJSON map together with TWM series.

    import worldMap from '@highcharts/map-collection/custom/world.topo.json';

    Working demo: