I am migrating to webpack-dev-server v4.15, I got following error:
Options has an unknown property 'watchOptions".
When I checked the official migration doc, it mentioned that, watchOptions
has been moved to static
Could anyone please help me to understand exactly which property (directory, staticOptions, publicPath, serveIndex, watch)
from static object is representing watchOptions
Let say if currently I have:
watchOptions: { ignored: ignoredFiles(/node_modules/)
So with which option I should use ignoredFiles
Any amount of help will be really appreciated. Thanks.
The static.watch
configuration is the replacement for watchOptions
, see v4.15.1/lib/Server.js#L914
devServer: {
static: {
watch: {
ignored: /node_modules/,
uses chokidar package to handle the file watch. You can find the ignore
configuration of it. It accepts a regexp.