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ClickOnce application installer when publishing WPF application shows HP Inc

I have made a WPF application and I use Publish to create the ClickOnce installer. When I look in the Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel then it shows 'HP Inc.'. I have searched the solution and this text is nowhere to be found. I have specified the correct information in the AssemblyInfo.cs file. Where do I specify the Publisher information and what will be displayed in the Add and Remove interface?



  • If it is a published wpf, you can add the publisher in the following ways:

    Right-click your project in Solution Explorer=>Publish=>More actions=>Edit=>Settings=>Options=>Description=>Publisher name

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Change the Publisher name to the name you want, and click Publish after completing the editing. The effect is as follows:

    enter image description here