I can no longer create a server listening on port 64951 or 64952 under Windows 10.
I got an exception on my C# program when I tried to bind to
Same on a C++/Qt program, the error is : 'the address is protected'.
In Tcpview I didn't find a process using these ports for listening on or
what could be the explanation for this problem ?
Update :
C:\Users\>netsh int ipv4 show excludedportrange protocol=tcp
Protocole tcp Plages d'exclusion de ports
Port de début Port de fin
------------- -----------
5357 5357
49152 49251
49252 49351
50000 50059 *
64916 65015
65206 65305
65306 65405
65406 65505
* - Exclusions de ports administrés.
To fix this issue :
net stop winnat
net start winnat
When you run the command netsh int ipv4 show excludedportrange protocol=tcp
You should have something like :
Protocole tcp Plages d'exclusion de ports
Port de début Port de fin
------------- -----------
5357 5357
50000 50059 *
* - Exclusions de ports administrés.