I have a pandas df with 3 columns. contact as col1, profile as col2 and client as col3 Input df as below-
I have tried the answer by mozway but came across 1 more scenario where institute is None.Added that scenario too in my input
contact profile client
0 {'id': '1', 'name': 'abc', 'country': 'US'} {'email': 'abc@gmail.com', 'status': 'good'} {'type': '1', 'code': 'aa', 'institutes': [{'institueid': '1', 'institutename': 'mock1'}], 'sourcecode': '1111'}
1 {'id': '2', 'name': 'xyz', 'country': 'US'} {'email': 'hello@gmail.com', 'status': 'inprogress'} {'type': '2', 'code': 'bb', 'institutes': [{'institueid': '2', 'institutename': 'mock2'}, {'institueid': '4', 'institutename': 'mock3'}], 'sourcecode': '2222'}
3 {'id': '3', 'name': 'xxx', 'country': 'US'} {'email': 'hello1@gmail.com', 'status': 'inprogress'} {'type': '3', 'code': 'bb', 'institutes': None, 'sourcecode': '2222'}
expected output
id name country email status type code institueid institutename sourcecode
0 1 abc US abc@gmail.com good 1 aa 1 mock1 1111
1 2 xyz US hello@gmail.com inprogress 2 bb 2 mock2 2222
2 2 xyz US hello@gmail.com inprogress 2 bb 4 mock3 2222
3 3 xxx US hello@gmail.com inprogress 3 bb None None 2222
Reproducible input:
df = pd.DataFrame(
"contact": [
{"id": "1", "name": "abc", "country":"US"},
{"id": "2", "name": "xyz", "country":"US"},
{"id": "3", "name": "xxx", "country":"US"}
"profile": [
{"email": "abc@gmail.com", "status": "good"},
{"email": "hello@gmail.com", "status": "inprogress"},
{"email": "hello1@gmail.com", "status": "inprogress"}
"client": [
"type": "1",
"code": "aa",
"institutes": [{"institueid": "1", "institutename": "mock1"}],
"sourcecode": "1111"
"type": "2",
"code": "bb",
"institutes": [
{"institueid": "2", "institutename": "mock2"},
{"institueid": "4", "institutename": "mock3"},
"sourcecode": "2222"
"type": "3",
"code": "bb",
"institutes": None,
"sourcecode": "2222"
Using ChainMap
and pandas.json_normalize
from collections import ChainMap
s = df.agg(lambda x: dict(ChainMap(*x)), axis=1)
meta = list(set(s.iloc[0].keys())-{'institutes'})
# ['code', 'country', 'email', 'id', 'name', 'sourcecode', 'status', 'type']
# add missing records
for d in s.loc[s.str['institutes'].isna()]:
d['institutes'] = [{}]
out = pd.json_normalize(s, record_path='institutes', meta=meta)
institueid institutename type sourcecode country email code id status name
0 1 mock1 1 1111 US abc@gmail.com aa 1 good abc
1 2 mock2 2 2222 US hello@gmail.com bb 2 inprogress xyz
2 4 mock3 2 2222 US hello@gmail.com bb 2 inprogress xyz
3 NaN NaN 3 2222 US hello1@gmail.com bb 3 inprogress xxx