I'm looking for a way to alter PaddingValues
, so that they don't include any BottomPadding
My current Implementation looks like this, but here i need to pass LayoutDirection
, which feels really clumsy.
fun PaddingValues.exceptBottomPadding(layoutDirection: LayoutDirection) =
top = calculateTopPadding(),
bottom = 0.dp,
end = calculateEndPadding(layoutDirection),
start = calculateStartPadding(layoutDirection)
I initially had hoped there would be a data-class-like way of altering PaddingValues
, e.g. myPadding.copy(bottom = 0.dp)
, but nope, this would have been to easy...
I'm going "edge to edge" with my Material3-Android-App.
For that my Scaffold
provides my content
with PaddingValues
(inclusive Insets
However, my main content scrolling view should also be edge to edge, so i'd like to ignore the bottom part of the PaddingValues
(I'll later re-add it as content padding, but that's easy enough).
Something like:
topBar = { ... },
) { paddingWithInset ->
modifier = Modifier.padding(paddingWithInset.exceptBottomPadding()),
contentPadding = PaddingValues(bottom = paddingWithInset.calculateBottomPadding())
) {
I tried just applying the complete paddingWithInset
as contentPadding
, but that butchers the overscrollEffect
The exceptBottomPadding
can ofc. be made a composable, which allows accessing the LocalLayoutDirection
. However, this still feels clumsy.
fun PaddingValues.exceptBottomPadding(): PaddingValues {
val layoutDirection = LocalLayoutDirection.current
return PaddingValues(
top = calculateTopPadding(),
bottom = 0.dp,
end = calculateEndPadding(layoutDirection),
start = calculateStartPadding(layoutDirection)
I did a generic extension function:
fun PaddingValues.copy(
start: Dp? = null,
top: Dp? = null,
end: Dp? = null,
bottom: Dp? = null
): PaddingValues {
val layoutDirection = LocalLayoutDirection.current
return PaddingValues(
start = start ?: this.calculateStartPadding(layoutDirection),
top = top ?: this.calculateTopPadding(),
end = end ?: this.calculateEndPadding(layoutDirection),
bottom = bottom ?: this.calculateBottomPadding(),
And I use it like this:
Column(paddingValues = it.copy(bottom = 0.dp))