I need to splits items in a row to columns on the occurence of '^' character. This needs to done through pandas without a loop preferably
I have
0 A^
3 206-1C
4 502-2B
5 506-0.5C
6 604-1B
7 907-2B
9 A201-1C
10 A202-1B
I want
A^ | G.ELITE^ |
206-1C | A201-1C. |
502-2B. | A202-1B |
506-0.5C | |
604-1B | |
907-2B. |
test=rd.query('texts.str.contains("\^")', engine='python')
One way to do this is to split the dataframe where the value ends in ^
and then join those split dataframes horizontally, setting the column names from the splitting values:
# find values ending with ^
m = df.iloc[:, 0].str.endswith('^')
# split the dataframe at those points
s = list(np.nonzero(m)[0]) + [len(df)]
dfs = [df.iloc[s[i]+1:s[i+1]].reset_index(drop=True) for i in range(len(s)-1)]
# append the split frame as columns
out = pd.concat(dfs, axis=1).fillna('')
# and set the column names
out.columns = df[m].iloc[:, 0].to_list()
Assumed sample data:
df = pd.DataFrame({'value': ['A^', '206-1C', '502-2B', '506-0.5C', '604-1B', '907-2B', 'G.ELITE^', 'A201-1C', 'A202-1B']})
0 206-1C A201-1C
1 502-2B A202-1B
2 506-0.5C
3 604-1B
4 907-2B