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Integrating Azure AD Authentication into Legacy ASP.NET Framework 4 Web Project (ASPX) - Need Implementation Guidance

I'm looking for guidance on integrating Azure AD authentication into a legacy ASP.NET webforms project built for .NET Framework 4 (specifically, .ASPX pages). Despite extensive research, I haven't come across any relevant documentation or examples, as most resources seem to focus on newer technologies like ASP.NET MVC and SPAs.

I've successfully registered an application in Azure AD, but I'm struggling with the implementation of the authentication flow. Can someone provide step-by-step instructions or point me to documentation that covers this specific scenario?

My files looks like this:

enter image description here

enter image description here

The following code is sample code from Login.aspx.cs:

protected void SignIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string username = txtUsername.Text;
        string password = txtPassword.Text;
        string btnText = btnSignIn.Text;

        // Encrypt the password
        string EncPass = EncryptPassword(password);

        if ("Recover".Equals(btnText))
            password = "blank";

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
            // Retrieve user data
            System.Data.DataTable user = GetUserByUsername(username);

            if (user.Rows.Count > 0)
                if ("Recover".Equals(btnText))
                    // Generate a new password
                    string newPassword = GenerateNewPassword();
                    string saltValueN = GetSaltValue(newPassword);
                    string encPassN = EncryptPassword(newPassword);

                    // Reset the user's password
                    int userId = ResetUserPassword(username, encPassN);

                    if (userId > 0)
                        // Send the new password via email
                        bool sent = SendEmail(username, newPassword);

                        if (sent)
                            // Session cleanup and notification
                            ShowMessage("A temporary password has been sent.");
                            UpdateUserStatus(userId, 3); // 2 is verified
                            ShowMessage("There was an issue sending your password.");
                        ShowMessage("There was an issue generating a temporary password.");

                    // Get stored password and validate
                    string storedPassword = GetUserStoredPassword(user);
                    bool validated = ValidatePassword(password, storedPassword);
                    int saltLength = GetSaltLength();
                    string saltValue = GetSaltValue(storedPassword);
                    string hashedPassword = EncryptPasswordWithSalt(password, saltValue);
                    int userID = ValidateUser(username, hashedPassword);

                    if (!btnText.Contains("Change") && userID > 0 && validated)
                        // Session management and redirection
                    else if (btnText.Contains("Change") && userID > 0 && validated)
                        // Handle password change
                        // Authentication failure handling
                        HandleAuthenticationFailure(userID, validated);
                ShowMessage("User not found.");
            ShowMessage("Username and password are required.");
    catch (Exception ex)

And the following is sample code from LoginAs.aspx.cs:

public partial class LoginAs : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsRolePermitted())
        if (!IsPostBack)

    protected void SignIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string username = txtUsername.Text;
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
            int userID = AuthenticateUser(username, "Test");
            if (userID == -1)

    private bool IsRolePermitted()
        // Check user's role permission
        return RoleItem.IsRoleItemPermittedToUser(UserName.GetUserLogin(), 31);

    private void RedirectUnauthorizedAccess()
        // Redirect to an unauthorized access page

    private void ConfigurePageLayout()
        Master.ShowTopMenu = false;
        Master.ShowTitle = true;
        Master.ShowUserLogin = false;
        Master.PageTitle = "Login As Screen";
        Master.FormTitle = "Login As Screen";

    private int AuthenticateUser(string username, string password)
        // Authenticate user logic
        return DataService.Contact.SelectLogin(username, password);

    private void InitiateUserSession(string username)
        // Set session variables for the authenticated user
        Session["FromLogin"] = "Yes";
        FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(username, false);

    private void RedirectAuthenticatedUser()
        // Redirect the authenticated user to the appropriate page

    private void DisplayAuthenticationError()
        // Display an authentication error message
        cusValWrongLogin.IsValid = false;


  • Thanks @Andrew Williamson for the comment.

    If you don't want to migrate and still want to use the Legacy ASP.NET Framework, check the below steps.

    With your Application Folder Structure and code, it is clear that, you are adding the code related to Azure AD Authentication manually.

    We have few ways to Integrate the Azure AD code within our application automatically.

    Way 1 :

    Refer the SOThread which I have answered to get the sample code of Azure AD Integration.

    Way 2 :

    • While creating WebApp, select the Authentication type as Microsoft. enter image description here

    • This step makes you to setup the automatic configuration of Azure AD registered app in your application.

    • Select the correct tenant. As you have already registered the app in AD, select the same app.

    enter image description here

    • All the required packages will be Installed. And the required setting with values will be set in Web.config file.

    Web.config file:

        <add key="ida:ClientId" value="**********" />
        <add key="ida:AADInstance" value="" />
        <add key="ida:Domain" value="****" />
        <add key="ida:TenantId" value="**********" />
        <add key="ida:PostLogoutRedirectUri" value="https://localhost:44346/signin-oidc" />
    • The default code uses the OpenIdConnectAuthentication.

    • In App_Start folder, StartupAuth.cs file will be created with Code related to Authentication configuration.

    enter image description here

    Way 3:

    • If you are sure about the code, you can configure it manually as explained in MSDoc.

    Output: enter image description here