How do I achieve something like this in a UWP app?
Use case: Static image contains blue dots(overlays) which give the user an opportunity to click/hover over the blue dot to learn more.When user hovers/clicks the blue dot, a text pops up describing something in the image.
1)How do I achieve this blue dot in different places on a static image? 2)Should I draw the blue dot in XAML or is there a XAMl default control for this? 3)Should I rather host this image in a webview control and draw the image using HTML? 4)How do I take care the localization for the string using the text for the blue dots?
You can use UserControl to create such a control, which is also convenient for reuse.
This UserControl has three custom property, it use Canvas to adjust the position of the blue circle in the image.
Q: "How do I take care the localization for the string using the text for the blue dots?"
A: You can refer to this document Localize strings in your UI and app package manifest.
<Canvas x:Name="canvas">
<Image x:Name="mainImage" Canvas.ZIndex="0" Source="{x:Bind mainImageSource}" Width="{Binding ElementName=canvas, Path=ActualWidth}"
Height="{Binding ElementName=canvas, Path=ActualHeight}" Stretch="Fill"/>
<Ellipse Fill="SteelBlue" Height="20" Width="20" Canvas.ZIndex="1" Canvas.Left="{x:Bind canvasLeft}" Canvas.Top="{x:Bind canvasTop}">
<ToolTip x:Uid="imageTip"/>
public sealed partial class MyImageControl : UserControl
public static readonly DependencyProperty canvasLeftProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("canvasLeft", typeof(double), typeof(MyImageControl), new PropertyMetadata(0.0));
public static readonly DependencyProperty canvasTopProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("canvasTop", typeof(double), typeof(MyImageControl), new PropertyMetadata(0.0));
public static readonly DependencyProperty mainImageSourceProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("mainImageSource", typeof(string), typeof(MyImageControl), new PropertyMetadata("Assets/StoreLogo.png"));
public MyImageControl()
public string mainImageSource
get { return (string)GetValue(mainImageSourceProperty); }
set { SetValue(mainImageSourceProperty, value); }
public double canvasLeft
get { return (double)GetValue(canvasLeftProperty); }
set { SetValue(canvasLeftProperty, value); }
public double canvasTop
get { return (double)GetValue(canvasTopProperty); }
set { SetValue(canvasTopProperty, value); }
<local:MyImageControl Height="500" Width="500" mainImageSource="" canvasLeft="250" canvasTop="250"/>