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ZSH automatically run commands after selecting FZF result

I'm using ZSH and am trying to integrate FZF into my config. It all works fine now, the only thing bothering me is that after searching for the command I want to run in FZF (e.g. a file/directory name) and pressing <ENTER> to close FZF, I have to press <ENTER> again to run the command.

Is there a way to run the command automatically after selecting an FZF result?

EDIT: Thanks to @svlasov I now have this solution:

setopt vi # Removes the default FZF '<TAB>' keybinding

fzf-and-run-widget() {
    zle accept-line
zle -N         fzf-and-run-widget
bindkey '^[^I' fzf-and-run-widget


  • Add to .zshrc:

    fzf-and-run-widget() {
      zle accept-line
    zle     -N   fzf-and-run-widget
    bindkey '^R' fzf-and-run-widget
    • fzf-history-widget is part of fzf distribution, defined in key-bindings.zsh. Replace with your own, if needed.
    • zle accept-line executes whatever is currently in ZSH prompt.
    • '^R' is Ctrl-R. Change to something else, if needed.