EDIT: I just needed to change the namespace of the insertUI selector!! Will leave up for others.
selector = paste0("#",ns(add)),
where = "afterEnd",
ui = tags$div(
id = ui_id,
textInput(paste0("txt", added_ui_count()), "Insert some text")
I'm attempting to use shinyjs to control the number of fileInputs, which then eventually displays a plot once the user uploads a file to all inputs. I have not been able to get it working as a part of a larger app, so I have focused on smaller cases.
I am able to get this working in a regular Shiny app, but when I try to modularise the code, I cannot even get the add and remove buttons to work, so I think my usage of shinyjs and namespaces aren't quite right here but I'm not quite sure what I'm doing wrong. Reprexes:
Working regular Shiny app:
# Define UI
ui <- fluidPage(
useShinyjs(), # Initialize shinyjs
# Disable the Remove UI button initially
fluidRow(div(id = "box1", box(
fileInput("plotFile1", "Upload 1")
fluidRow(div(id = "box2", box(
fileInput("plotFile2", "Upload 2")
actionButton("add", "Add"),
actionButton("remove", "Remove last input"),
# Server logic
server <- function(input, output, session) {
added <- reactive({
# Reactive value to track the added UI elements
added_ui_count <- reactiveVal(2) # Initialize with 2
# Create a condition for enabling/disabling the "Add UI" button
enable_add_button <- reactive({
added_ui_count() < 4 # Adjust the number as needed
enable_remove_button <- reactive({
added_ui_count() > 2 # Adjust the number as needed
observeEvent(enable_add_button(), {
# Enable or disable the "Add UI" button based on the condition
if (enable_add_button()) {
enable("add") # Enable the button
} else {
disable("add") # Disable the button
observeEvent(enable_remove_button(), {
# Enable or disable the "Remove UI" button based on the condition
if (enable_remove_button()) {
enable("remove") # Enable the button
} else {
disable("remove") # Disable the button
observeEvent(input$add, {
if (enable_add_button()) {
# Increment the count of added UI elements
added_ui_count(added_ui_count() + 1)
# Generate a unique ID for the new UI element
ui_id <- paste0("box", added_ui_count())
selector = "#add",
where = "beforeBegin",
ui = tags$div(
id = ui_id,
box(fileInput(paste0("plotFile", added_ui_count()), paste0("Upload ", added_ui_count())))
observeEvent(input$remove, {
if (enable_remove_button()) {
current_count <- added_ui_count()
# Remove the UI element with the corresponding ID
selector = paste0("#box", current_count)
# Decrement the count of added UI elements
added_ui_count(current_count - 1)
loadData <- function(number){
#should be reactive to the download buttons
n <- number
for(i in 1:n){
seePlot <- reactive({
output$seeplot <- renderPlot({
# Complete app with UI and server components
shinyApp(ui, server)
Problematic modularised code:
# Define UI
inputUI <- function(id){
ns <- NS(id) # Initialize shinyjs
# Disable the Remove UI button initially
fluidRow(div(id = ns("box1"), box(
fileInput(ns("plotFile1"), "Upload 1")
fluidRow(div(id = ns("box2"), box(
fileInput(ns("plotFile2"), "Upload 2")
actionButton(ns("add"), "Add"),
actionButton(ns("remove"), "Remove last input")
# Server logic
inputServer <- function(id) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
ns <- session$ns
added <- reactive({
# Reactive value to track the added UI elements
added_ui_count <- reactiveVal(2) # Initialize with 2
# Create a condition for enabling/disabling the "Add UI" button
enable_add_button <- reactive({
added_ui_count() < 4 # Adjust the number as needed
enable_remove_button <- reactive({
added_ui_count() > 2 # Adjust the number as needed
observeEvent(enable_add_button(), {
# Enable or disable the "Add UI" button based on the condition
if (enable_add_button()) {
enable("add") # Enable the button
} else {
disable("add") # Disable the button
observeEvent(enable_remove_button(), {
# Enable or disable the "Remove UI" button based on the condition
if (enable_remove_button()) {
enable("remove") # Enable the button
} else {
disable("remove") # Disable the button
observeEvent(input$add, {
if (enable_add_button()) {
# Increment the count of added UI elements
added_ui_count(added_ui_count() + 1)
# Generate a unique ID for the new UI element
ui_id <- paste0("box", added_ui_count())
selector = "#add",
where = "beforeBegin",
ui = tags$div(
id = ui_id,
box(fileInput(ns(paste0("plotFile", added_ui_count())), paste0("Upload ", added_ui_count())))
observeEvent(input$remove, {
if (enable_remove_button()) {
current_count <- added_ui_count()
# Remove the UI element with the corresponding ID
selector = paste0("#box", current_count)
# Decrement the count of added UI elements
added_ui_count(current_count - 1)
ui <- fluidPage(
useShinyjs(), # Initialize ShinyJS
# Other UI components
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# Other server logic
# Complete app with UI and server components
shinyApp(ui, server)
TIA :)
I just needed to change the namespace of the insertUI selector!! Will leave up for others.
selector = paste0("#",ns("add")),
where = "afterEnd",
ui = tags$div(
id = ui_id,
textInput(paste0("txt", added_ui_count()), "Insert some text")