I just made a quick counter in Python where you just have to type in the following numbers, one by one (as some of you might have seen on some Discord servers)
I wanted to make it more interesting by adding the possibility of typing mathematical operations in the input, so that if the next number is 3 you can type 2+1, but it didn't go well.
This is the original code:
contador = 0
operaciones = ["+","-","*","/"]
while True:
if contador == 0:
numero = int(input("¡Comenzamos! Estamos en 0: "))
if numero == contador + 1:
contador = numero
print("¡Has perdido!")
numero = int(input("Introduce el siguiente número: "))
if numero == contador + 1:
contador = numero
print("¡Has perdido!")
When running it, this is the error message I get:
invalid literal for int() with base 10: '2+1'
Then I tried changing the inputs to string instead of int, but it just wouldn't work.
You can use the eval()
print(eval('2 + 1'))
will print 3!
Also, it works to convert strings to other types of variables!
By the way, it can be very dangerous if you put a string of functions that can, for example, delete your files, so be careful.